Archive | January, 2014

Snow Management Tips from Eagle Mat

31 Jan

This week, as many as 6 southeastern states have issued a state of emergency resulting from the recent snowstorm. Virginia communities are overwhelmed. Georgia students were stranded at school. And in Texas, small business owners are anxiously awaiting “icy Friday” to end the week. With so many businesses caught off guard, it’s become increasingly important to brainstorm and implement a management plan for snow and ice. In this article, Eagle Mat covers a few basic points on how to keep parking lots clear, sidewalks shoveled, and entryways dry. Take a moment to review the basics on snowstorm safety, and prevent accidents in your place of business.

Commercial Matting Safety Standards

28 Jan

Over the summer of 2012, the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) published the official standards for selecting, installing, and maintaining entrance mats and runners. These standards have been developed to assist property owners in selecting the right types of safety mats for achieving larger safety and health goals. Goals like accident prevention, moisture containment, and improved air quality within the facility are each addressed. Visit this article for a free overview of the Entrance Mat and Runners Safety Standards, and download a free copy of the report courtesy of the NFSI.

Entrance Mats for Vestibules

10 Jan

Entryway vestibules deliver a variety of benefits that improve the safety, hygiene, and energy efficiency of a facility. They serve as a buffer to the outside world, maintaining steady indoor temperatures while keeping the heat, cold, rain, snow, and ice outdoors. Vestibules can be a dangerous place when left uncovered, however. Commercial floor mats are needed to control the dirt and debris that are tracked through these rooms on a daily basis. But can you identify the best matting product, without over-spending? This article provides an overview of rubber mats, carpet mats, recessed grill systems, and more to help your team find the best investment for your facility.