Archive | March, 2013

Quantitative Risk Assessment for Business Owners

31 Mar

Risk assessment is the evaluation of probability of hazards in real-life situations in the workplace.  It determines the level of risk through careful consideration of probable assumptions and some uncertainties in a given situation.  Within each aspect of the business, from production, distribution, marketing, and sales, risks are assessed on regular basis to determine and prevent potential losses. Because quantitative risk assessments present a more concrete depiction of potential business risks, business owners and investors prefer them over qualitative evaluations.  Assessors calculate two components of risk (R): potential loss (L) and probability of its occurrence (p). To learn more about quantitative risk assessment, visit this article on the Eagle Mat Blog.

Risk Management Assessment for Manufacturers

29 Mar

Risk management involves the proactive assessment of all operations to develop an idea of where, how, and why certain situations become risky. Risk management can be applied to broad business operations to include customer interactions with the storefront. It may also be applied directly to internal environments, focusing directly on employees, production processes, and other elements of internal operations. For businesses in the manufacturing industry, risk management takes on added importance due to the nature of the facilities, equipment, and machinery involved. In this article, we examine ways manufacturing companies can proactively apply risk management to better understand the most hazardous elements of their business.

Making Outdoor Stairways Safe with Aluminum Stair Treads

2 Mar

Stairway-related slips and falls are among the most common and severely debilitating accidents. When a slip or trip occurs on a stairway, the individual “falls further” than if the accident were to occur on flat ground. The extra distance leads to an increase in velocity, ultimately imposing greater force on the body. For this reason, stairway accidents are a top priority when it comes to risk management for business. Specifically, business owners and property managers must proactively inspect stairways for both structural integrity and slip resistance. Should the stairs be in disrepair, treads are to be used to make them safer. For stairways and landing areas that are located outdoors, a special type of product is needed to ensure long-term functionality and effectiveness. Aluminum stair treads are recommended for such applications, as they are built to withstand fluctuations in weather, temperature, and traffic.