Archive | April, 2013

Protecting Employees from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

25 Apr

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) poses a significant threat to modern business that simply cannot be overlooked. At particularly high risk are employee areas that are filled with computers, monitors, and other electrical components. ESD lurks around such machinery, and employees often become the conduit through which discharge travels from one machine to the next. When overlooked, ESD may damage machines, injure employees, and cause accidents. Learn more about preventing ESD in the workplace, and retrofit your facility with proven products that will improve employee safety, performance, and comfort.

Proactive Accident Prevention: Locker Rooms

17 Apr

Locker room mats, highly visible signage, and regular cleaning are 3 keys to effectively preventing accidents in locker rooms and sauna areas. Such areas are particularly prone to accidents; water, soap, and smooth tile often combine to make a slippery and dangerous situation. Property owners must take care to conduct regular safety assessments to ensure hazards are reduced as much as possible. Failure to do so may result in liability claims, along with serious injury. To learn more about proactive accident prevention in locker rooms, visit the Eagle Mat Blog for these 4 tips that will protect both patrons and property owners alike.

Proactive Accident Prevention: Gym and Wellness Spas

9 Apr

Risk assessments are vital in the the safe and prosperous long-term operation of any business. They highlight areas of specific hazard, providing business owners and managers insight with which operations can be made more safe. For individuals who own or operate fitness centers, risk assessments take on an even more important role as the primary operation of such facilities involves potentially dangerous patron activities. Specific areas of high risk include free weight sectors, dance studios, and stretching areas, although it’s important to note that safety risks may exist across many other areas. Visit the Eagle Mat Blog to learn more about risk assessments for gyms and the best safety products for accident prevention.

Managing Risk in Retail

5 Apr

The retail business environment is unique in that business owners must be attentive to the safety of both employees and customers. From clothing to electronics, and everything in between, retail business owners are smart to conduct regular risk assessments to ensure all aspects of operations are as safe as possible. We live in a litigious society, and the slightest mis-step has the potential to cause an accident that produces unnecessary injury and financial burden. In this article, the editorial team of the Eagle Mat Blog provides a broad overview of the basic elements of retail business that must be evaluated to understand and prevent dangerous situations. A number of environments are examined, and tips are given on how to best identify the inherent risks of each. Once identified, businesses may proactively invest in commercial safety products that may effectively prevent accidents before they occur.